From One to Many

The project:   “From One, Many,” a summer art challenge

The photographers of the Verde Valley Photographic Society (VVPS) chose two photographs to submit to the artists of EVAA for this project, both of which contain multiple elements.  You are to choose one or two elements from a photograph, or an element from each photograph, and use those elements to create a unique composition of your own.  Your compositions may be simple or complex, realistic or surrealistic, representational or abstract.  You can use any media, mixed media, or photoartistry to create your composition.  You might consider using traditional painting methods, collage, compositing, or other two dimensional methods for your compositions.  Go wild.  Have some fun.  We are really looking forward to seeing what you can do with this challenge.

 The timeline:

The challenge will run throughout the summer.  The finished works will be presented to the EVAA in the October meeting and be displayed at the Fall Festival at the Fairgrounds in late October, 2024.

For more information:

Please contact Larry Gallagher (928-255-3128 or if you have questions or need more information, or would like to sign up for the project. Pictures will be emailed to you.

2024 Walkin’ on Main

November 9th

Info to follow


Walkn’ on Main

Library Installations

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